Tues.9.1.15...Why Should I Trust the Bible?

"Why Should I trust the Bible?" I'm sure that thought has crossed your mind. Jesus certainly trusted in the reliability of the Scriptures. He often quoted from them and claimed they testified of him. But are the stories we are reading about Christ true? Is the NT that we are reading really trustworthy? People will undoubtedly wonder about this. They might say to you, "You want me trust Jesus for eternal life and devote my life to following his teachings in the Bible? But how do I know if I can first trust the Bible?" How will you respond to that heavy duty question? How about giving them a creative mini-movie to watch?! 

Okay, time to get the popcorn and watch a great mini-movie. It's about 15 minutes long, so I'll keep my words few. While you watch it, take notes and be ready to share one thing that struck you from what was presented.


1.- What's one thing that impressed you from the video?

Most any of us would love to see miracles occur, but many who saw Jesus perform miracles still didn't believe him. Miracles were good for confirming the faith of seekers and saints, but they didn't convince the close minded. The same is true of the Scriptures, which Jesus gave greater convincing power to than even miracles (see Luke 16:27-31 for shocking proof). The Scriptures confirm the faith of seekers and saints, but they will not convince those who refuse to come to Christ, no matter how much they may study the Scriptures. Christ is the key. Before we break new ground in John 8 tomorrow, we need to make sure we are clear regarding the Scriptures. So let's go back today and read John 5:39-47. 

2.- What's one thing that strikes you from John 5:39-47?

Since some of you stayed up later than I did last night, I will give you tomorrow the names of all of you who were Unstoppable in August. But here's an August stat I can give you right now. At our last meeting, I shared the good news that in July, 700 people visited our Greatest Minimovies site. I'm delighted to announce that for the month of August that number jumped way up to 1,176! (That's a 59% increase!) Thank You Lord! People are watching and hearing the gospel you are sharing. Way to go!

Welcome Dave Ramirez to M3! I've known Dave since he got saved back in 1998. He and his wife Linda (she was in my Humboldt Park youth group back in the mid 80s!) now attend New Life Brighton Park. I kept thinking of him and tracked down his phone number. He and I both believe the timing of our conversation was a God thing. Dave is a warm, appreciative man. You'll like him too. Welcome to a great band of brothers Dave!


  1. 1. The video was very effective in substantiatiating the reliability of the bible, which will be very helpful when I talk to non believers. The truth, telephone, and corroboration tests were great and add tools to help me to validate the Love story of God to others. It was coincidental that I also listened to a message on Sunday which also covered similar content.
    2. It's amazing how the Pharisees and their followers knew every verse of the bible with all the prophesies about Christ, but had blinders on that restricted them from accepting Jesus. Come to me and believe in me that you will have eternal life. Jesus brought us Salvation through him only, no other way and he is " I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" john 14:6

    1. Very good Jack. Neat coincidence. Someone once said, "Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous" :).

    2. Nicely express, thanks brother Jack, indeed the plan of redemption is unstoppable.

  2. 1. Fantastic video talking about why we can trust the Bible to be true. It goes trough three tests (honesty test, telephone test and corroboration test) that make for a very convincing argument of why the Bible is reliable.
    2. In John 5:39-47 we see that Jesus has some very harsh things to say condemning many of them that searched scripture thinking that they would receive eternal life but yet rejected Jesus himself whom the scriptures were talking about. They missed the whole purpose of why Jesus came to give them forgiveness for their sins and eternal life.

    1. Great points Roger. Sometimes people can't see the Forrest through the trees.

  3. 1) The writings we have on Jesus are more plentiful and was written much closer to His lifetime than any other figure of ancient history.  If we can't believe the bible, we have to seriously question what we know about any of ancient history.  There are 23000 more ancient manuscripts of the NT than the second most plentiful writing. These were very amazing to me, how can historians who reject the bible put much faith in little evidence and no faith in a mountain of evidence?

    2) The Priests were so caught up in their traditions, they couldn't see or hear what was in front of them:

    39“You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me;
    40and you are unwilling to come to Me so that you may have life.
     46“For if you believed Moses [the Scriptures they searched most], you would believe Me, for he wrote about Me.
    47“But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe My words?”

    1. Excellent Kevin! So very glad to have you on the team.

    2. wow, that was a powerful comment brother Kevin. The Bible made it plain and simple there are those who will hear the word and accept and those who will never come to the light so that their deeds will not be exposed.

      John 3:19 (KJV) And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

      20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.

      21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

    3. Kevin. Good insight as they had blinders on
      You are very welcome brother and please always feel free to reach out to me like yesterday. We are here for you

    4. Yes we need to continue to be witness for Him so that the lost world will also see the truth.

  4. 1- I've heard about the honesty test in the past as to why would the writers include things about themselves that weren't so good. But I liked the other 2 test as well. Its a great and simple way to explain to a person the accuracy of the bible.

    2- John 5:39-40
    You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life.

    So often we can search for something and yet miss what we are searching for. Sadly this also happens with scripture. Some people can read the bible and attend church yet miss the point of it all, Jesus.

    1. Good reminder Luis- "Some people can read the bible and attend church yet miss the point of it all, Jesus."

    2. Luis. I agree brother. We need to have love in our hearts and give them to Jesus to understand and follow him.

    3. May we all continue to be active reaching out to people we know so they won't miss out on who Jesus is.

    4. Yeah the honesty test is a great way to determine truth. It is one not too many people would think about. There are some smart theologians and historians out there! :)

  5. 1. The video provides proof why the bible is true. The bible has been tested and has passed the test of time, honesty, witnesses, corroboration, prophecies, etc.

    2. 5:46- How is it that people believed Moses and not Jesus. or is it hat they didn't believe Moses either. Some will never accept the truth even when proof is staring them in the face.

    1. Yes Sam the Bible is definitely true. Our changed lives are testament of His power.

    2. Indeed. Their motto is "Don't confuse me with the facts, my mind is made up."

  6. 1. Things in the vedio:The old testament before christ.How time is measured B.C. stands for before Christ and A.D after his death. New testament is after his death. It was written 50 years after Christ death an resurrection. 24,000 manuscript and it's a love letter.

    2.You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me,
    John 5:39 Yes, Lord Jesus there are so many prophecies fulfilled in you!!!!

    1. Amen George, "so many prophecies fulfilled in you,"

    2. Good George! May the Lord continue you to use you as a bright light.

    3. George, saw you driving down 18th street with your dog in the back. Blessings brother.

  7. 1. Good video. I like the illustrations. It is more helpful than the normal 'talking head' videos. Many of us learn better when we see the words and don't just hear them so I like the presentation style. Great content. Clear explanation about the Bible. The honesty test gives some good, common sense evidence. The scriptures don't paint the disciples, prophets, or any of the authors of the writings as super-heroes. More importantly, they were often willing to die a martyr's death, after living a sacrificial life, for what they believed. The lifestyle of the leaders, and ultimately the life of Jesus point to the Divine Inspiration of the scriptures. This is just one of many important things that set apart the Bible from a book like the Koran. (On a side note, I wish the speaker didn't make political comments on this video. They are completely unrelated to the topic. If I show this video to someone who happens to have certain political beliefs they might be turned off and not listen to the main point. There is a time and place for political discussions but I think it's distracting and pointless in this context.)
    2. The scriptures point to Jesus (v. 39). They are full of truth and wisdom but they do more than give insight and direction. The Word is alive and leads us to life and the One who gives life. The Bible invites and calls us into a relationship. Many people refuse to submit to Jesus (v. 40). They may know a lot of facts about scripture but they miss the main point, the application, the purpose.

    1. Pastor Mike, that's right you do prefer having illustrated teachings. I always enjoy watching you speak and seeing you bringing with you all your props. Also I do agree with your opinion on the political inserts. I did find them funny personally and I honestly did laugh at them but i can see your point.

    2. Yes, Lord help us to keep abiding in you and in your word- the source of life.

    3. Great points Pastor Mike! Great seeing you today :)

  8. And let me also say "Welcome" to brother Dave Ramirez. I've also known Dave a long time and always enjoy talking to him. Great guy who is always encouraging and has been following the Lord a long time through ups and downs. I know he is a big part of the ministry of New Life Brighton Park so it's good to interact with here at M3. God bless you Dave!

    1. Thanks Pastor Mike!
      This study is a timely blessing.

  9. 1. What's one thing that impressed you from the video?
    The several "Test" titles (Honesty, Telephone, Corroboration)

    2. "I have come in my Father’s name, and you do not accept me; but if someone else comes in his own name, you will accept him." John 5:43

    3. Welcome to M3 brother Dave Ramirez. God bless you :-)

  10. 1 I had not idea that there were 24,633 manuscripts of the new testament. I like how the video compares references about Jesus to other historic figures. It really puts things in perspective.

    2 "I do not accept glory from human beings".

    1. Hey Ed! Isn't that amazing how many they have found- and counting. Our faith stands on very solid ground.

  11. 1. Very well done. They made a great point of how embarrassingly honest the gospels are at making the founding fathers of the church look like a bunch of chumps (not something you would do if your trying to build credibility the easy way).
    2.John 5:39-40
    You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life. …"
    - this reminds me of my Jehovah whiteness friends... Dutifully studying scripture, totally missing it!

    1. I think that's a great thing. That God chose ordinary jacked up people with many problems to carry out His work. Its an awesome example of His great inclusive love.

    2. Yes Dave, and I had a few female JWs at my door earlier today. I greeted them by saying, "Jesus is Jehovah!" They wanted to give me some of their literature. But I said, "I know you won't take any of my literature, so I won't take any of yours." :) That ended things rather quickly.

    3. Many people say "no not me, I'm not ready, I'm not smart enough, I stutter. Pick someone else." But Jesus says, "you are the one who will do my work. " Jesus doesn't ask for a perfect person but a loving , willing heart.

  12. 39“You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me.
    40“But you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life.

    In the Word the Saviour is revealed in all His beauty and loveliness. Every soul will find comfort and consolation in the Bible, which is full of promises concerning what God will do for the one who comes into right relation to Him. Especially will the sick be comforted by hearing the Word; for in giving the Scriptures God has given to mankind a leaf from the tree of life, which is for the healing of the nations. How can anyone who reads the Scriptures or who has heard them read, lose his interest in heavenly things, and find pleasure in amusements and enchantments of the world

    1. I like that Lemmy! Every soul will find comfort in the Bible! All they have to do is give it a chance

    2. Beautiful Lemmy! "in giving the Scriptures God has given to mankind a leaf from the tree of life"

    3. Lemmy, thank you for your words of wisdom. Always enjoy reading your posts.

  13. 1. Great video! It explains how and why the Bible is legit and true! It kills any doubts that a lot of people may have. I liked how it explained that the Holy Spirit came into these men that wrote the books in the Bible. There are so many original manuscripts out there and evidence that the Bible is all truth. Only 50 years in times gaps of the New Testament that weren't accounted for. The Bible Is truth and people must accept it.

    2. John 5:44 How can you believe since you accept glory from one another but do not seek the glory that comes from the only God?

    This is still so valid today. So many people deny Jesus but they are quick to accept glory from other flawed men.

    1. Glad you were blessed and encouraged by it Phil. Stay strong brother. Fight!

    2. Yes Phil indeed to many people are quick to accept lies and reject the only hope that Jesus brings.

    3. Good point Phil- "So many people deny Jesus but they are quick to accept glory from other flawed men."

    4. Very True, Phil! The world has so much confidence in science and scholarship. But fail to see the merits of the Bible and worship Christ.

  14. 1. Wow. Good video. I was taken back by the telephone test. The depth of information, citations of Jesus in other sources compared to other historic al figures, the number of produced manuscripts of the Bible. It's amazing. The time span which they were created, the amount. And the number is a factor, but the idea that there were written by eyewitnesses, who died to relay TRUTH. However, people are quick to believe everything about other historical figures with less information. Which leads me to point number two.

    2.43 I have come in my Father’s name, and you do not accept me; but if someone else comes in his own name, you will accept him.

    I believe that that is absolutely the case, presented above. Others have come and gone and have been believe and accepted, yet there is so much resistance against God, His Son and His Holy Spirit.

    1. Yes Eddie. Men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil.

    2. Historic people stories change as new information is found /researched. The word of the Lord always hold true and unchanged.

  15. 1) I enjoyed the whole video!! From the drawings, lol, to the 3 tests. It gave a lot of good points and was very informative.

    2) “You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life.”
    ‭‭John‬ ‭5:39-40‬ ‭

  16. 1. The bible is the most distributed book in the world. Wow! Well said. It's nice to see it put that way. Why not? It amazes me that people refuse to believe about God. His love for us is simple, trust and be loved. What do you have to lose and if it's not true what harm have you done? None! It's a book of love!

    2. John 5:37-49 It reminds me of the lack of faith us humans have. When the going gets tough we seek God. He performs miracles and answers prayers. He heals the sick, mends relationships, gives you your daily bread but when things get good we soon forget. We get comfortable and stop seeking God because we think our life is perfect. We must never forget his love in the good and the bad. Praise be to God everyday for everything, yes everything he has in trusted us with.

    Welcome brother Dave!

    1. This is Dave Ramirez - Thanks Horacio! :)

    2. Very good Horacio! We are so prone to wander. Keep us ever thankful and faithful when things are good Lord.

    3. Horacio, very good comment. "We must never forget his love in the good and the bad".

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. 1) I find it interesting how many people trust the authenticity of pretty much any other ancient manuscript while rejecting the Bible. I have had debates before, and I have seen this first hand.

    2) This verse caught my attention after the video. John 5:43 "I have come in my Father's name, and you do not accept me; but if someone else comes in his own name, you will accept him."

    1. Glad you stand up for the truth Alex. Hope you're off to a good start at St. X.

    2. Continue in the right path, Alex. You make a great soldier of the Lord.

  19. Hi guys! This is Dave Ramirez

    I thought the video was well made and to be truthful all of that info was like drinking from a fire hydrant. Good stuff nonetheless.

    As for John 5:37-49, Verses 39-40 were convicting - "You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life." Just being honest.

    1. Welcome Dave! We are glad tot have you on the team as you have read already. You're a part of a great and encouraging band of brothers.

    2. "Like drinking from a fire hydrant." Dave , I feel like I know you already. Welcome to M3. Looking forward to your many posts!

    3. Welcome to M3 Dave! I like the fire hydrant comment, I think this is a video where I'll see something new every time I watch it.

  20. 1. Good video. I think that over the thousands of years the Bible has been around, it has been pretty consistent so it cant be wrong.
    2. John 5:43 43 I have come in my Father’s name, and you do not accept me; but if someone else comes in his own name, you will accept him.

    I was trying to understand this verse. He says if someone comes in his own nae, you will accept him. Who is it that they accept? I think is the teachers nof the Bible around that time such as Rabbis.

    1. The Jews had a long list of false Messiah's and teachers they accepted. They performed no miracles as Jesus did to authenticate that they came from the Father.

    2. Same as today's time, many false teachers rise and they all have their followers.

    3. It's good to ask those questions Chuy. It shows that you are serious in wanting to grow in understanding the Bible.

  21. 1.- Very good, I liked how it is presented and illustrates the validity of the bible. The test of honesty, telephone and corroboration are well explained.

    In the telephone test it shows a "time gap" of 50 years passing after Jesus is crucified when he is recorded in the bible. It also notes that their are well over 24,633 documented manuscripts of Jesus life and existence.

    Factual and documented, the Bible is reliable, the evidence is recorded and proven true time and time again.

    Thank you LORD for your word is true and binding for all who believe!

    Just last Friday I had this discussion with a co-worker about his point of view of God and bible. Said their is no proof of Gods existence ever, and that he couldn't believe in God on that basis. Gave him a mini movie card, I don't think he will watch, when the opportunity comes I will try to show him this video. Said he is "agnostic," is this really a difference than being atheists? Both are non believers!

    2.- Jn. 5-39
    You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me,

    The religious leaders study and mastered Scripture in detail, supposedly? How than could it be possible they missed or could not recognize the one Scripture says is the Messiah, one who bears supreme testimony. Stiff-necked leaders who loved more of their status standing and self accolades. They were blinded and could not see the truth of Scripture and the Messiah, there, one among them, in their mist as it is foretold in Scripture!

    1. Armando, you always bring out great posts!

    2. I commend you for seeking to sow the truth in love into your agnostic co-worker. Often they pride themselves on their position. Yet the Latin word for agnostic is ignoramus. It's not intelligent to be so ignorant. Ask him to watch a few of the Minimovies that catch his interest asking for his opinion on such. See what he says.

  22. 1. This video brings out many great points to prove the Bible is the Word of God. Very handy to have when the big question comes up. Why should I trust the Bible?
    2. It's amazing how such well learned Jewish leaders refused to accept Jesus . In present times this still continues. One comment I found, says:
    "The real reason people do not accept the Savior is not because they cannot understand the gospel, or find it impossible to believe on Jesus. There is nothing about the Lord Jesus that makes it impossible for them to trust him. The real fault lies in man's own will. He loves his sins more than he loves the Savior . He does not want to give up his wicked ways."

    1. Great quote Louie! It's not that they can't believe, it's that they refuse to believe. Men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil. John 3:19. O thank you Lord for turning us to the light!

  23. 1) the many manuscripts that make up the bible is very interesting. I love taking simple aspects out of things I look at and at the end they said the bible isn't a book it is a note written by God to tell you how much he loves you. Amazing!!!

  24. 2) I have come in my Father's name, and you do not receive me. If another comes in his own name, you will receive him. John 5:43

    What strikes me is that people can only believe if they see the person. Jesus kept saying you believe in God of whom you can't see but I tell he sent me and now you do not believe. And the priest could only believe if God told them himself.

  25. 1. Great summary of the reliability of the Bible. I like the various tests.

    2. "For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me, for he wrote about Me." (John 5:46) What did Moses write about Jesus?

    He could have been referring to Deut. 18:15ff "The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your countrymen, you shall listen to him." Or perhaps He was referring to the scapegoat that carried the sins of Israel off into the wilderness (Lev 16), or the Lamb that would be provided in our place like the one that was provided in the place of Isaac (Gen 22), or the One who would come from Abram to bless all of the families of the earth (Gen 12), or the One who will one day crush Satan's head (Gen 3:15). Wow.

  26. 1- It's crazy to think that some people believe the bible and others don't. Even though there so much proof that the bible is the truth. It's a great video that makes a difficult question easy to answer.

    2- John 5:46-47New International Version (NIV)

    46 If you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote about me. 47 But since you do not believe what he wrote, how are you going to believe what I say?”

    I love the fact of Jesus speaking so honest and upfront. Jesus spoke with love and authority.

    1. It was great seeing you tonight brother, I like your words "I love the fact of Jesus speaking so honest and upfront. Jesus spoke with love and authority"

    2. Glad you liked the video Vince- "It's a great video that makes a difficult question easy to answer." Thus, we don't have to become Bible scholars, we can simply pass these on to those with big questions.

  27. !. I was impressed by the sheer number of manuscripts we have to compare Scripture. I didn't know that other famous people and historical figures like Caesar only consisted of 10 biographical accounts. I also didn't realize that Alexander the Great's biography was written 400 years later. I agree that these people and works have hardly received any real scrutiny compared with the constant attack on the Bible.

    2. From the John 5 reading I was amazed that the Pharisees and chief priests looked so intently into Scripture that they missed the Messiah right in front of them. I am suprised they didn't dig a little deeper. It appears they were more concerned about holding onto power and not causing any revolts to upset the Romans. They also seem to feel threatened by Jesus. Jesus himself calls them whitewashed tombs, dirty cups, and hypocrites.

    1. Very well said my brother:). I concur :)

    2. Great cross ref. to Mt.23 Nic regarding how corrupt those leaders were.

  28. 1. I remember when I took a philosophy class many years ago and the class had to study Plato, seeing that it only had 7 manuscripts, it was presented as gospel truth:( Not one person questioned his writing. Yet, when we talk about the bible, with its over 24,000 manuscripts, everyone questions it :0/

    2. John 5:39 says "You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me". ---- I have always wondered how a person can study the scriptures and become a scholar, yet NOT know Christ?????? It is so easy to be religious and be totally lost and devoid of Christ :( Very sad! Oh Lord, help us M3 men not to be religious but to be men after Your own heart, who want to know You and the power of Your resurrection, in Jesus name, Amen.

    1. Amen to your words and your prayer Israel.

    2. I shared that exact sentiment, brother. Amazing what so many will accept as undeniable truth. I pray that we change that for the next generation.

    3. I echo my brothers sentiments to your good words Israel. Am praying for you too.

  29. 1) I really liked the video. One of the things that really impressed me was the how the manuscript evidence of Jesus greatly out weighs all the other manuscript evidence of all other ancient figures in history.

    2)John 5:39-40 You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life.

    Jesus told the Jewish leaders and teachers that although they diligently searched and studied the scriptures, they still missed out on believing in what Moses taught concerning God's salvation. The scriptures that Moses gave to the Israelites, testified of Christ, but the Jews still refused to come to accept Jesus. I think, in a similar way, that it may be possible for us to some how love to read, study, share, teach and meditate on the Word of God and yet still miss out on connecting with Jesus Himself. On the outside we can appear to be doing much spiritual work. But without being connected and abiding in Jesus so that we are drawing from His love and power, we will really do nothing without His Spirit flowing through us and into the things we do.

    1. Well said Dave. - But without being connected and abiding in Jesus so that we are drawing from His love and power, we will really do nothing without His Spirit flowing through us and into the things we do.

    2. very good Dave. O Lord, help us to abide in you and your word. Apart from you, we can do nothing of eternal value.

  30. 1. Thank you for sharing this awesome video with us, Dave! I was impressed by the battery of tests to which the Bible's validity was submitted, and how that puts the authority of the Bible into perspective relative to the countless other texts that are accepted at face value. I particularly liked one statement made by the narrator of the video: the Bible is how God talks to us. I recently found myself praying to hear God's voice...to know that He is still present in my life, but God's presence in my life is completely up to me. If I want to hear God's voice, I need only to open my Bible and hear it. He is speaking directly to me.

    2. John 5:45 “But do not think I will accuse you before the Father. Your accuser is Moses, on whom your hopes are set. 46 If you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote about me."

    This verse only serves as further evidence that Jesus, The Son of Man, God the Son, did not come to condemn us. Even when speaking directly to his accusers, to men who were already plotting to kill Him, Jesus does not condemn them. He did not come to be judge, jury, and executioner, but to reconcile us with and restore us in the eyes of the Father...to give us eternal life.

    Welcome, Dave. We are blessed that God continues to grow the ranks of His warriors by calling you to the frontline. I pray you will grow in the spirit with us.

    1. Your right Osiris. God is always there for us, we just need to open our hearts to hear Him.

    2. Glad you liked the video Osiris.
      Yes, I once had it out with God to speak to me. The night sky remained silent while his word continues to be his mouth piece to us.

  31. 1 – The one thing I liked from the video is how he explained the bible passing the “Honesty Test.” The honesty test is basically saying if someone was going to make up a story they would make themselves look good in the story not mentioning bad things. He goes on to give some examples of how the disciples looked bad in the bible, like falling asleep in the Garden of Gethsemane.

    2 – John 5: 47 But since you do not believe what he wrote, how are you going to believe what I say?” I like the way Studylight.org comments on this verse - Jesus did not call these religious leaders to a new or a different faith. He called them to believe what Moses, what the Scriptures, what His works, what John the Baptist each testified about Jesus: that He is the Messiah, the Son of God and God the Son. If they refused to believe this overwhelming testimony, it was unlikely they would believe Jesus' own words.

  32. 1. Amazing video, I like how he pointed out that nobody questions Alexander the great, Plato, or Tacitus stories. How they have the less information and everyone believes they did what they claim they have done. Yet the Bible not only has eyewitnesses and testimonies it also has more to it, but still so many people don't believe it.

    2. What stood out to me the most is how Jesus said Moses is the one who will accuse them and not himself. Why did he tell them that ?

    1. Good question Jose. I thought the same think. Studylight.org says - If you believed Moses, you would believe Me: These religious leaders rejected Jesus because they rejected Gods word through Moses. Moses accuses them, because Moses wrote about Jesus and they would not receive the testimony of Moses.

      b. For he wrote about Me: Jesus said of the Scriptures that they testify of Me (John 5:39). The words and writings of Moses fulfill this, prophetically speaking of the Messiah in many places.

    2. Good question Jose and good answer George!

  33. 1) I really enjoyed the part the person mentioned about the Telephone test. It is so crazy to think that people swear on the writings of some ancient philosopher, but are so worried of the veracity of scripture that they quickly turn it down without know how much evidence in writings are built up into

    2) The verse I chose is:

    John 5:43 “For I have come to you in my Father’s name, and you have rejected me. Yet if others come in their own name, you gladly welcome them.”

    It goes so hand in hand with my first point, it was hard to pass up. These writers came in their own name, and people today gladly welcome them...

  34. 1
    The video is very helpful and makes plain the for explaining the reason for the word of God. I took to the appeal about the truth or honesty test that was spoken of. The apostles had opportunities to not tell of their shortcomings and the time that they did not adhere to Jesus plain requests (su as falling asleep during prayer) and to write of this could have been bypassed and left out or changed. So it is a proof for relying on scripture. Also along the same line the the apostles wrote about being peroxide and going to death for their convictions and these details were kept in the bible as well
    The very last verse here was the most needed; and Jesus is giving the critical warning to pay attention not just to the Law of Moses as he wrote the Pentateuch but to pay attention to his prophetical waiting. Also Jesus is not just referring to what Moses wrote but how scripture always speaking to the account of Jesus thru prophecy Jesus works and witness accounts.

    1. Very good Gary! And glad to see you're unstoppable, even if it means staying up past midnight. ;)

  35. 1. The video held strongly to the testimony of the believers- as should we. Their ability to write, amidst adversity (actually- dying and the persecution of the church), and the survival of the documents is something I find remarkable! Knowing the history of the texts as well. Belief is still required though. We do not see all things, nor do we hold all keys to knowledge- but these help reinforce the faith as we see others struggling along our side.

    2. (John 7:41-42 NIV) "41 Others said, “He is the Messiah.” Still others asked, “How can the Messiah come from Galilee? 42 Does not Scripture say that the Messiah will come from David’s descendants and from Bethlehem, the town where David lived?”"
    I enjoy that there is an admitted discussion about fact checking- even in the people surrounding Jesus. As if John is trying to say, 'even then, people didn't see the truth, and they were standing right next to Him.'

    1. Great points Rich. You would have hoped that some of them would have simply asked some questions of Jesus or his disciples regarding where he was born and his lineage instead of assuming he didn't fulfill these things. But there ignorance leads us to see such.

  36. 1. A very helpful, humor video. The clip actually speaks to the antagonist, to the person who needs proof of historical documents. Definitely got me how many manuscript were there for Jesus vs other so called great kings.

    2.1. A very helpful, humor video. The clip actually speaks to the antagonist, to the person who needs proof of historical documents. Definitely got me how many manuscript were there for Jesus vs other so called great kings.

    This definitely speaks to me and alot of people of today...but I know you. I know that you do not have the love of God in your hearts. I have come in my Father’s name, and you do not accept me; but if someone else comes in his own name, you will accept him.
    John 5:42-43 NIV
    Before surrendering my life to Jesus I used to say I know him and accept him bit I didn't really know God or accept God since I was accepting same sex marriages, letting other beliefs come in between with mine and some how build my own belief.. Thank you Lord for rescuing me.

  37. 1. The video was good. I really liked the telephone test and corabollation test. I like that they both show that the bible is more reliable then people in history that everyone believes in.

    2. The scripture hit me. I want to make sure I'm reading the word and living it. Not just listening and not taking action. Lord I pray I listen and take action of what you say to me in the scriptures. That I do it for your glory and not of my own. Amen

    1. Great prayer James! "Lord I pray I listen and take action of what you say to me in the scriptures. That I do it for your glory and not of my own. Amen"

  38. 1. The most surprising thing about the video for me was all the evidence in the world about Jesus and the truths of the Bible. I knew that Jesus was a real person in history without even taking into account my faith but I didn't realize how much evidence there was that pointed to it and how much people decide to look past in order to disprove him.

    2. The thing that strikes me about the passage are the first two verses. Jesus is pretty much standing with a giant sign saying "GUYS THE SCRIPTURES ARE ABOUT ME!" and yet know cares, no one believes him, and those that study the Scriptures are too busy reading to understand what is truly going on. I guess ignorance isn't bliss.

  39. 1. - Great video, I like how the bible is explain in detail. It very helpful in helping nonbelievers to open up to study the bible or heard the word of God by attending church.

    2. - John 5:44 how can you believe since you accept glory from one another but do not seek the glory that comes from the only God? This verse teaches me that I must seek the glory of God and glorified him in everything I do. I need to repent and seek to glorify God with my life.
