Mon.9.14.15...The Raising of Lazarus...John 11:1-44

Remember the cliff hanger TV programs you saw as a boy where the star of the show is killed at the end of the episode. It can't be! Surely he's not really dead. But you had to wait all the way until next week to find out that he only looked dead. What a relief! Deep down inside you knew if he was really dead, then there was no coming back to life. He would have to be written out of the show. 

But what about in real life- have you ever had a close friend die? If not, imagine how you would feel as he lay dying. Imagine your tears if he was a devoted friend to you. What if he had even saved your life before? Imagine your parting words. Imagine being deeply moved. If only you could bring him back to life. But that only happens in the movies.

Today, we are going to watch the emotions of Jesus at the death of his close friend Lazarus. It's a powerful scene underscoring the genuine humanity our Savior. He weeps with those he weeps. He fleshed out the ancient prophecy "In all their distresses he too was distressed" Is.63:9. Isaiah also called him "a man of sorrows and familiar with suffering" Is.53:3. The God-Man groans with your struggles in this world of suffering and death. He experienced that also, but to the nth degree. 

The miraculous sign of raising Lazarus from the dead is the last of the seven miracles that John selected to prompt people to believe that Jesus is truly the Christ. Remember this key verse? "Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presences of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name" John 20:30-31. Do you remember some of the other miraculous signs John recorded to point people to life in Christ? Here they are in order-
Turning water into wine- ch.2
Healing the royal official's son- ch.4
Healing the invalid by the pool- ch.5
Feeding the 5,000- ch.6
Walking on the water- ch.6
Healing the blind man- ch.9
And now, the raising of Lazarus from the dead ch.11

This last miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead is the climax of these miracles. The feeding of the 5,000 illustrated that Jesus is the bread of life and the healing of the blind man illustrated that Jesus is the light of the world. Now the raising of Lazarus will illustrate that Jesus is the resurrection and the life. This climactic miracle of life from death is also the turning point of the book, setting the stage for the certain death of Jesus by his enemies.

1.- Read John 11:1-46. It's a long narrative (story), so simply pick out a favorite verse and share some of your thoughts regarding it. If you want to dig further, you always have your online David Guzik commentary to consult-,

Spock was a true friend of Captain Kirk, who ended up rescuing him from death. And Jesus was the true friend of Lazarus who truly rescued him from death. Friendships take time to build. Today, take time to contact your wingmen (your fire team brothers) and find out how they're doing. Based on the scoreboard totals below, find out one or two areas that you and they want to work on improving. Then keep each other in prayer to that end. I'll ask you tomorrow if you talked with your wingmen :)

2.- See below

I want to welcome my friend, Mark Lauber to M3. When he was a student at MBI, he came faithfully to a young adults class I taught on Sundays. He has been involved in lots of ministry and leadership experiences over the years. He's now married and lives on the Northside of Chicago. Expect to be enriched by Mark. And happy birthday yesterday Mark! 

We had a great outdoor meeting at Jack's yesterday. First we watched the end of the Bear's game. Ugh! It was agreed that next meeting, Sunday Oct.18th, we will start our meeting at 3:00, but any that want to come earlier to watch the game are invited. We'll probably throw in for pizza :) So reserve that date now for our next meeting. And thanks to those of you in the area who did what I asked and let me know in advance that you couldn't make it to the meeting. That was very responsible of you.

So how did we do last week? Squad 5 regained the lead and their fire team 1 is still the team to catch. But a few other fire teams are also doing well. I also want to commend the vast majority of you who were Unstoppable all last week. Way to go! You made a goal to be unstoppable for the month of September and you're working toward it. For those who slipped, remember the very good advice of J.C.Penny, "When you fall down, get up." This is your week.   

2.- What are two areas you want to work on improving on our GREAT areas of spiritual growth and impact? What's your strategy for accomplishing such? Strive to score at least 25 points per week. 

I shared at yesterday's meeting, the BEST way to help yourself or another grow
Begin by Blessing God for the areas you see on the scoreboard they doing well in.
Evaluate- How do you think you did? What 1 or 2 areas do you want to strengthen?
Strategy- What's your strategy to strengthen such? 
Targeted Time- When should we talk again to review our progress?

GREATTot.Team Av.
Squad 130.85
Eddie MoralesUR5104276653
Fire Team 140
William DyckmanUR183211033
Phil RaymondUR1119346161
Ismael AndradeUR245152026
James SchmidtU731515040
Fire Team 218.6
Gary RemsonUR1100135028
Luis OrtizU5035013
Alex DyckmanU6162015
Squad 221.33
Sam VargasUR32031115554
Fire Team 131.5
Oscar NunezU94813034
Lou OjedaU51164329
Fire Team 216.25
Israel FuentesUR113048328
Dave Ramirez000000
Dave DeBoerUR111020114
Tim DearbornU12028123
Squad 324.5
Robert RomanUR13212613072
Fire Team 120.5
Vince DiazUR152253136
Nic PalhegyiUR15051213
Mike DunnU8239022
Rich PetreU5032111
Fire Team 232.5
Osiris AldayU88813542
Ed Lake40712023
Squad 431.5
George RabielaUR119724242397
Fire Team 126.33
Dave HeidekrugerUR210086125
Michael GonzalezU7907528
Chuy Cervantes55214026
Fire Team 236.66
Rich GuardiolaUR11251313346
Mark Estrada2435115
Horacio De La TorreU1411515449
Squad 537.28
Jack RogersUR55034284107
Fire Team 150.33
Roger VinlasacaUR1550255085
Armando HernandezU36024244
Jose BillegasU7256222
Fire Team 227.75
George DohertyUR1101136030
Andre VargasU60514025
Lemmy LukuduUR11541013547
Kevin Long400509
Squad 633
Mike BerryU76104633


  1. 1. " this sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Sin of God may be glorified through it." John 11:4
    Jesus makes what is good as dead, live again.
    Then when we become a new creation in Christ we must tell others and be his witnesses. That's what we at M3 are about. The miracles of Christ are for the glory of God and we need to advance his Kingdom.
    2. Still focused on consistent communication with my brothers and encouraging them. I will continue to communicate regularly with my brothers
    3. I am still looking to enhance how many people I give my testimony to and I'll never encourage my brothers enough

    1. Amen jack, I have great appreciation for the encouragement you give brother.

    2. Yes Jack that's Jesus speciality...making things that seem dead live again.

    3. Yes Jack indeed we need to advance his kingdom.

    4. Amen Jack, Jesus, our Savior, we need to tell all of his love for us

  2. 1) John 11:4-6

    But when Jesus heard it he said, “This illness does not lead to death. It is for the glory of God, so that the Son of God may be glorified through it.”
    Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. So, when he heard that Lazarus was ill, he stayed two days longer in the place where he was.

    Upon hearing of the illness, Jesus knew that it would lead only to God being glorified, and delays his travel -- presumably to further glorifiy God. Guzik writes that Lazarus would have already died by the time Jesus says this and that Jesus delays (as he does other times) because he uses the Father's timing to bring about the greatest impact. How much more meaningful was it to those who were there yet hadn't believed in Him for Him to raise Lazarus after 4 days than for Him to have healed a sick Lazarus?

    2) Will do.

    3) My areas are to become more consistent in the Word and in prayer. My strategy is to set aside time at each end of the day for God. Breakfast with Him and again at the end -- No Scripture, No Sleep.

    1. Brother Kevin, I too need to increase my consistency in prayer and keeping in the word.

    2. Amen Kevin, you got this. Turn to Him.

    3. Excellent Kevin! You not only gave a good evaluation, but a practical strategy. By following it, you will succeed.

    4. Great plan Brother Kevin. Glad you are focused on continual improvement

    5. Kevin it definitely must have been meaningful to those that experienced the miracle. Let's continue to share the God news so many more can also experience the miracle of forgiveness and eternal life with Him.

  3. 1. John 11:25,26 "Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live,
    and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?"
    Great passage in which Jesus does not tell Martha that He has the power to resurrect but rather that HE IS the resurrection and life. Apart from Jesus there is no eternal life only death and condemnation.
    Thank you Lord or your Son Jesus.
    3. This week I want to improve on looking for opportunities to share my testimony and handing out the greatest mini movie cards.
    Also will contact my wingmen to encourage them.

    1. Amen brother that verse also stood out to me as well.

    2. Amen Roger, many have been asked that question. Do you believe? Let's pray that the ones we minister do.

    3. Bueno Roger! And you saw the error of my ways and jumped to #3. :)

    4. Thank you Lord for your presence in our lives as we need you always

  4. 1. John: 25-26 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; 26 and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”

    2. Will do.

    3. I need to Improve my prayer life, and reading my bible, I also need to work on keeping myself humble.

    1. Decrease so that He may increase. Bless you brother. You're doing great. Keep pursuing Him.

    2. Good evaluation Jose. Now you're ready for the next step- Strategy- What will be your strategy or plan of action for doing so? For example, how much more do you want to read your Bible per day?

    3. Great powerful verse. Thank you Jose.

  5. 1- There were 3 things that stood out to me.
    A. John 11:8 “But Rabbi,” they said, “a short while ago the Jews there tried to stone you, and yet you are going back?”
    The disciples were scared to go back. Gives me an implication of faith. That we may be scared at times to do certain things. But also that Christ is with us in such times. Here in this passage Jesus said in verse 7 “Let us go back to Judea.” He says "US". The spirit of God will not leave us when we are pursuing something that He has called us to.

    B.John 11:2 (This Mary, whose brother Lazarus now lay sick, was the same one who poured perfume on the Lord and wiped his feet with her hair.)
    John 11:20 When Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went out to meet him, but Mary stayed at home.
    To me this shows me that even as Christ followers we at times will go through some tough times and sometimes we find it hard ourselves to come to the feet of God. In Luke chp 7 it tells the story of Mary and Jesus encounter. The gospel also tells us after that they had a great friendship in chp 10. So no matter how close they were Mary found it hard to come to Jesus during this difficult time.

    C. John 11:42 I knew that you always hear me, but I said this for the benefit of the people standing here, that they may believe that you sent me.”
    This time the people weren't asking Jesus to perform a miracle like we saw in previous chapters, not even Mary or Martha. Here Jesus goes on to do it out of his own initiative. This indicates to me that God does his best miracles when it is for His glory and not just because they are asked of Him.

    2- Will do.

    3- Encourage. I think i can visit the blog more frequently throughout the day to encourage my brothers who post later in the day since I normally do it earlier in the morning.

    1. Great idea Luis. I'm also trying to fit small visits to the blog in throughout the day.

      Great insight on the disciples being afraid. When I read that, I got that they were cautioning Him against going; but that they were scared and He is our strength and protection escaped me.

    2. great point Luis in B,C and glad to see you seek to encourage. God bless you brother.

    3. Yes Luis, you shared some great thoughts there.
      I like your Evaluation and Strategy- visit the blog a few times during the day. It would also be helpful to set a goal of how many teammates per week you'd like to encourage. Then you'll know how you're doing.

  6. 1. John 11: 16- Then Thomas (called Didymus) said to the rest of the disciples, "Let us also go, that we may die with him." [Him being Jesus.]

    Interesting. We don't see or know too much of Thomas except that He is most known for his doubting. Here, (which I have glanced over so many times, ) we see a different side of Thomas. Boldness, courage, loyalty. He makes a pretty brave statement and shows his willingness to follow Jesus back to Jerusalem where they would be at risk to be killed. That shows a devoted follower.

    2. Did it.

    3. Praying and attacking with intention and specifics. Having and creating that deeper bond by praying by name of M3 members, ministry members, team mates, etc. I want to increase in overall prayer time this week.

    1. Great verse. Just realized I picked the one of the same verses :). 3. Great goals you have. I pray that nothing will hinder you from completing those tasks.

    2. Good thoughts and good evaluation Eddie. What will be your practical strategy or length of time? Then you will know whether you achieved such or not. You may have already established such.

    3. Thank you for insight on Thomas. I just read over that part and didn't think about what you pointed out. Very good observation.

    4. Intriguing thought Eddie, that's so true about Thomas. A man of extremes?

    5. Attacking for 20 men in intentiona prayer. I forgot my SMART goals.

  7. Hi Everyone. It's great to meet you, even if only online for now. I'm full of hope for this group and what our King is doing here.

    1 - I've been thinking about this for a while - Jesus has a tendency to act strangely in dire circumstances; at the very least, He doesn't act the way I think He should. For example, in the story of raising Lazarus, He hears Lazarus is sick unto death, so He decides to wait another day instead of healing Lazarus on the spot or running to his side. Then again in Mark 4, He's sleeping through a raging storm in a boat that's filling up with water while His disciples are scared for their lives. So here's the question I keep coming back to: why isn't Jesus acting the way I expect Him to? Why doesn't He heal Lazarus from a distance like He heals the nobleman's son (John 4:46-54)? And why does He just sleep through an insane storm while all His disciples are afraid for their lives? What I'm learning recently is I think the answer is "because of who He is." In the story of Lazarus He's "the Resurrection and the Life" and in Mark 4, the disciples ask, "Who then is this that even the wind and the seas obey Him?" He did what He did because of who He is. Now I'm starting to ask myself, are there ways I'm acting that don't line up with the reality of who Jesus is?

    2 - I'm looking forward to interacting with my Squad and Fire Team and getting to know how to support you.

    3 - I'm not on the scoreboard yet, but I already know "Telling others of transformation" is going to take a lot of intentional energy. My strategies are: (1) tell my wife what I'm learning every day, (2) introduce myself to at least one person on my block or in my neighborhood every week to build relationships in my community, and (3) post on this blog every day of the week.

    1. Yes mark this story raises a lot of questions and theological issues. I find myself with more questions than answers. That's what makes bible study great! welcome to M3. We're blessed to have you brother!

    2. Welcome on board Mark. Glad you are with us.

    3. Excellent right out of the gate Mark!
      And your strategies are a model, so SMART- Specific, Measurable, Action oriented, Realistic, Time bound.

    4. I totally agree with your selective observation through the life of our savior Jesus. And you answered it correctly "because of who He is." His disciples were walking with their master for three and half years of his ministry yet they time and again fail to totally "trust/have faith on" what Jesus was capable of doing.

    5. Welcome to M3 Mark! Good observation on how Jesus acts.

    6. Welcome, brother Mark. It is great to add another God-seeking man to the ranks of Men-of-God-in-the-Making. Your MBI education shines forth in your first M3 post. I look forward to growing in the Word with you and to seeing you earn your Unstoppable star.

    7. Welcome, Mark. Very interesting first post. Looking forward to may more.

    8. As you can see Mark, you've joined a great band of brothers. Welcome aboard!
      Hope you enjoyed your birthday yesterday.

    9. Welcome to M3 brother Mark, good post

  8. 1. “Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?"”
    ‭‭John‬ ‭11:25-26‬ ‭

    David Guzik quoting Spurgeon says,
    iii. "Death comes to the ungodly man as a penal infliction, but to the righteous as a summons to his Fathers palace: to the sinner it is an execution, to the saint an undressing. Death to the wicked is the King of terrors: death to the saint is the end of terrors, the commencement of glory." (Spurgeon)
    Death for a believer is being ushered into real life. Death for the unbeliever is scary and dreadful.

    2. Did it.

    3. I need to work on commenting more on the blog and praying for my wingmen.
    I'm going to pray for each team member Monday through Friday and make two comments a day.

    1. Brother Nic, great job! Here's a loose paraphrase of Pastor Collins Smith's saying: "For the christian, this life is the worst they'll ever face. For the non-believer, this life is the best they'll ever get."

    2. Love your quote from Spurgeon and your strategies are a model as well- very specific and measurable.

  9. 1. John 11:4 "But when Jesus heard it he said, “This illness does not lead to death. It is for the glory of God, so that the Son of God may be glorified through it.”
    - God may you be glorified in my hardships and my I not look to avoid them if they bring you glory!
    2. Did it!
    3. Sharing my faith

    1. Thanks for sharing dave! Your prayer was a great reminder to glorify him. Even during the difficult times.

    2. Glad you were at the meeting yesterday Dave and glad you liked the accountability within M3 to grow. We have a plan for growth as John Maxwell recommends. So pursue GREAT things. Yes, strive to be the example in each category for the men you will recruit, starting this week. Go for it!

  10. 1. "Jesus wept." John 11:35
    It reminds me that if Jesus, the Creator of the Heavens & the Earth can grieve for a dearly departed loved one, so can we!
    2. Did it
    3. To remain in consistent participation despite hectic schedule

  11. 1 When he heard this, Jesus said, “This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.”
    2 Will do now
    3 To post everyday and write more encouraging comments on other people's posts.

    1. Hey Ed!
      Those are both GREAT goals. Pursue them for you will enrich yourself and others much.

  12. John 11:16 (NIV) Then Thomas (also known as Didymus) said to the rest of the disciples, “Let us also go, that we may die with him.”

    Thomas is infamously known as doubting Thomas, but in this verse, he is showing his devotion and bravery.

    John 11:17 (NIV) On his arrival, Jesus found that Lazarus had already been in the tomb for four days.

    Why did He wait four days? My study bible explains it that Jews believed the soul remains next to the body for three days in hope that it will return. Therefore, Jesus wanted to perform the miracle when they thought all hope was gone.

    John 11:35 (NIV) Jesus wept.

    Credited as the shortest verse in the modern language bibles. Jesus shows his compassion and love for humanity (Lazarus' death and Mary's sorrow). Have a blessed day.

    2. will do

    3. Recruiting and telling others of transformation.Follow up with prospects. Make opportunities to share my faith.

  13. 1.So when he heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was two more days,
    John 11:6
    Jesus delayed going to the family in order to strengthen the faith of that family and the disciples.
    God's timing and will in the midst of our trials may be different from what we want. God answers us according to His wisdom and love. His timing is perfect.


    3. I need improvement in communication and prayer.

    1. Yes George God's timing is always perfect and we just need to be patient.

  14. 1. John 11:35 Jesus wept. 36 So the Jews said, “See how he loved him!”

    What a living God! He loves us so much. "Jesus wept!" What a powerful statement. He does feel and care for all of his children. I'm convinced that he does show emotion for the things we do, right or wrong.

    2. Going to

    3. The area need to work on is fellowship. Encouraging brothers. I need to pray more for building a powerful relationship with my fellow wingman and squad. I can try to dedicate a few more minutes to reach out.

    1. Amen Horacio! I love how you worded your thoughts! Struck a chord in my heart :))

  15. 8 The disciples said to him, "Rabbi, the Jews were just now seeking to stone you, and are you going there again?"
    9 Jesus answered, "Are there not twelve hours in the day? If anyone walks in the day, he does not stumble, because he sees the light of this world.
    John 11:8-9

    I love when Jesus always shows he alway has faith in the plan he sets out for. We go through life always questioning if God has our back. We answer that question with what Jesus said that when we walk on darkness he is the light.

    2) I want it work on encouragement to others I will try to just be better at it

    And then also sharing more MP3 to others I know I get scared that they might push them away from the word if I do it to much. I will try to lead with faith and not my mindset

    1. Good verses Andre! Pray that you continue to be a light for him. God bless you bro.

  16. 1) The verse that stuck out to me and encouraged me is:

    John 11:39-40 “Take away the stone,” he said. “But, Lord,” said Martha, the sister of the dead man, “by this time there is a bad odor, for he has been there four days.” Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?”

    I can't even count the number of times that I tried to explain to God why things wouldn't work. I couldn't imagine or fathom how it would look, how whatever the issue is would even be resolved. I must have sounded like Martha. I didn't have the initial faith or trust in God to do what He says, the moment He says it. Without Question. I would rather stall, ask my questions, state my doubts, understand everything. Trust didn't have a place in those moments for me. At the end of the day, I want with all my heart to simply believe.......and see the glory of God.

    2) I would love to grow in Attacking Prayer, and in Giving my testimony or giving out movie cards.

    For the Prayer, I have a hard time because I don't set aside specific time where I can have intentional time to do it. I will work on stepping away and doing that more often for my Fire Team.

    For the other, I will carry more cards on me and pray to have more boldness in just starting conversations. Have a goal to evangelize to at least 3-5 people this month, and will continue to work up to this goal.

    1. Thanks Will for the text. Appreciate the encouragement. I pray that God will continue to bless you and work in you.

  17. 1. John 11:6 - When Jesus heard that Lazarus was sick, He.... waited for 2 days before going to him. God's timing is not our timing, but He is never late!

    2. Being bold in sharing Christ with others, starting with always being ready to hand out a card.

  18. 1) “Jesus answered, “Are there not twelve hours of daylight? Anyone who walks in the daytime will not stumble, for they see by this world’s light. It is when a person walks at night that they stumble, for they have no light.””
    ‭‭John‬ ‭11:9-10‬ ‭NIV‬‬

    2) I feel I need to work on my "testifying" I come across so
    Many people everyday but we talk about work stuff and I try to
    Work my way in somehow but most of the time I success.

  19. 1- John 11:41-42New Living Translation (NLT)

    41 So they rolled the stone aside. Then Jesus looked up to heaven and said, “Father, thank you for hearing me. 42 You always hear me, but I said it out loud for the sake of all these people standing here, so that they will believe you sent me.”

    I love how Jesus praised his father. Jesus still proving to the people that he is the son of God. Jesus completed his mission. Jesus setting an example that completing our mission in this world may come with some heart aches.

    2- I feel I need to work on praying a lot more. I feel what I will do is attack in prayer before I get started with my blog. Even whenever I get free time looking for something to watch on tv I should just pray.

  20. 1. John 11:15 "Lazarus is dead, and I am glad for your sakes that I was not there, so that you may believe; but let us go to him."

    He wanted them to see His miracle.

    2. Blogging everyday and encouraging others.

    1. It was good meeting u yesterday Mike! U are a great Manly man and since our Dads were good friends maybe we can be too ;) much love and respect bro

  21. 1. John 11:25-26 "Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?” " This question at the end of verse 26 is a 4 word challenge to this grieving woman. This question is also for us today. Jesus came to their house to mourn the death of Lazarus and then miraculously raise him up. Before he performed the miracle, however, he questioned Martha about her faith.
    2. Have more recruiting conversations and have more transformation talks with people. As the Small Groups get going I will be looking for men who seem like they would fit in this ministry and will work to build a fire team.

    1. Pastor Mike, I'm sure you'll have a fire team in no time.

  22. 1 – John 11:3 So the sisters sent word to Jesus, “Lord, the one you love is sick.”
    The story of Lazarus’ death reminded me of a devotional e-mail I saw a few weeks ago. Below is a small excerpt from the e-mail and the book Jesus Is____ by Judah Smith.

    “Now, if we were Lazarus’s siblings, a lot of us would have started out by listing all the good things Lazarus had done. We would have talked about how much he loved and admired Jesus and how he was a model citizen who didn’t deserve to die.

    Not Mary and Martha. They knew what moved Jesus.

    Lord, the one that You love is sick.

    That was the realization that welled up from deep within their hearts. Jesus loved Lazarus. It wasn’t their love for Jesus, or Lazarus’s love, or his good deeds that moved Jesus. It was pointless to recite a laundry list of their brother’s achievements. That wasn’t what moved the heart of Jesus. It was His own love that motivated Him. It was His own desire to bless and heal and restore.”

    This was just a great reminder to me that it’s not about us, it’s all about Jesus. It’s because of His love for us that He shows us His grace and mercy.

    2 – Will do.

    3 – The two areas I want to work on are R & T (Righting Wrongs /Recruiting to M3 & My testimony and Greatest MiniMoives card). For recruiting I’m going to make a point of talking to more people on Sundays and Tuesday nights at small group. For sharing my testimony / Greatest Mini Movie cards I set a goal of passing out 22 this month.

    1. Great verse George! I will pray for u in those 2 areas my brother. And thank u so much for emailing me about the 30 day prayer challenge. I have been praying with my wif now everyday for the lastime few days;) I never really did that before.

    2. Great to hear Phil. I'll keep you and your wife in my prayers.

  23. 1. John 11:4 When he heard this, Jesus said, “This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.”

    One reason I love this is because I can compare it to my life. I was killing myself and my life was a mess. Then God saved me and I give all the glory to Him! For nothing else ever filled my inner void and nothing has ever helped me before. God saved me and now I shall share the Good news ;)

    2. I want to work on my Action prayers and my Telling of transformation

  24. John.11.21-27.nkjv
    Now Martha said to Jesus, “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died. But even now I know that whatever You ask of God, God will give You.” Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.” Martha said to Him, “I know that he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.” Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?” She said to Him, “Yes, Lord, I believe that You are the Christ, the Son of God, who is to come into the world.”

    Had Christ been in the sickroom, Lazarus would not have died; for Satan would have had no power over him. Death could not have aimed his dart at Lazarus in the presence of the Life-giver. Therefore Christ remained away. He suffered the enemy to exercise his power, that He might drive him back, a conquered foe. He permitted Lazarus to pass under the dominion of death; and the suffering sisters saw their brother laid in the grave. Christ knew that as they looked on the dead face of their brother their faith in their Redeemer would be severely tried. But He knew that because of the struggle through which they were now passing their faith would shine forth with far greater power. He suffered every pang of sorrow that they endured. He loved them no less because He tarried; but He knew that for them, for Lazarus, for Himself, and for His disciples, a victory was to be gained." Desire of Ages"

    1. Well said Lemmy. I always enjoy reading your comments.

    2. Thanks Lemmy.
      What two GREAT areas do you want to be working on to improve?

  25. 1.- My favorite part is the fact that even after Jesus heard of Lazarus' sickness, he didn't take off running. He hung out for a couple more days.

    2.- I want to 'want' to do this more. I know that it is necessary, important, a mechanism of growth and educational. I want to look forward to doing it more. I think by scheduling a time to do it and attempting to stick to it will alleviate the feeling of it being a chore at times when I have forgotten to do it and have to go back and do it late at night or fit it in right as I am trying to go to bed.

    1. Marcos, putting it on the schedule is a good idea. I need to be better with that too.

    2. I was calling out to God again for you Mark. You have the makings to be a powerful M3 warrior, model, and multiplier.
      I once heard Zig Ziglar talk about when he was out of shape, he hated jogging at first. But after a while, it wasn't so bad. Then it became enjoyable. I pray that you will discipline yourself- "No Scripture sharing, no sleep." I know that discipline will turn to desire. Then watch out world.

  26. Jesus answered, “Are there not twelve hours of daylight? Anyone who walks in the daytime will not stumble, for they see by this world’s light. 10 It is when a person walks at night that they stumble, for they have no light.”

    1. Thanks for the good verse Dave.
      What are two GREAT areas you want to work on improving?

  27. 1. John 11:10 It is when a person walks at night that they stumble, for they have no light.”

    People rarely fall into sin in the day. We fall at night or by ourselves trying to stay hidden from the world. Why? Because though we believe ourselves to be strong enough the moment we step away from the light we lose sight of it completely.

    2. I want to get better at encouraging. I really struggle with contacting my fire team at times. Part of it is a terrible phone but mostly it is because I am forgetful.

    1. Good goal Michael. What if you made it a practice to do so before you shove off from the blog? Then you won't forget.

  28. 42 I knew that you always hear me, but I said this for the benefit of the people standing here, that they may believe that you sent me.”

    What Impressed me is how Jesus didn't have to say this, he could just yelled lazerus out, and left it at, but did not, he made sure the direction of the miracles are for Gods glory -not his own in this world.
    2.did it

    3.daily scripture reading and outreach

    1. Good Rich! You've already greatly improved. You were unstoppable last week.

  29. 1It is when a person walks at night that they stumble, for they have no light.”
    John 11:10
    Jesus is referring to the people that wanted to stone Him.Him . ask reminds me of my own life as I was living a life in darkness without any light. By God's grace, it is in Jesus Christ who gave me light to see where at and heading.

    2. Improvement on passing on God's word (verse or phrase).
    Strategy is get a group of contacts and put them together so I don't have to pass one by one.

    1. We all have our share of mistakes and regrets from our time spent walking in darkness, brother. Thank you for taking the bold step of using your experience to testify to the great work God has done in you. For our 12 hours walking in darkness, there are still 12 hours of daylight (John 11:9). Tomorrow is a new day, a new chance to step out of the darkness and into the light. I am blessed to share that hope with each of my M3 brothers.

  30. 1) John 11:5,6 Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. Yet when he heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was two more days.

    I really liked Arthur Pink's comments on these verses in his Exposition of the Gospel of John. He states:
    “...the dealings of the Father's hand must ever be looked at in the light of the Father's heart. Grasp this. Never try to interpret love by its manifestations. How often our Father sends chastisement, sorrow, bereavement, pressure! How well He could take me out of it all – in a moment – He has the power, but He leaves me there. Oh, may He help us to rest patiently in Himself at such times, not trying to read His love by circumstances, but them, whatever they may be, through the love of His heart. This gives wondrous strength – knowing that loving heart, and not questioning the dealings of His hand.”

    2) Two areas that I want to grow in are Attacking in prayer and Telling Others of Transformation. My strategy is 1) to pray each morning and ask the Lord to give me His passion and His love to reach out more to the lost. 2) To always keep two Greatest Mini Video Cards with me. Each morning I'll also pray for the person - who ever it will be - that I'll be giving those card to and that the Lord will be preparing their heart to receive the seed. I will also pray each morning for God to help me create an opportunity to share those 2 cards within the week. 3) I'll give myself a point for progress each day I attack in prayer in this way.

  31. 1. “Jesus wept. So the Jews said, “See how he loved him!”” ‭John‬ ‭11:35-36‬ ‭ESV

    These verses shows how much Jesus loves us. It shows how compassionate He is. He seen people who believe in him in tears and that made him weep.

    2. I need to grow in encouraging and sharing my testimony.

    1. Amen, brother. Jesus weeps with us. He knows our daily struggles. He knows our pain far better than our simple minds could ever comprehend it. In our darkest hour, He stands by our side, holding us up when all we can do is fall to our knees. He is not an uncaring God. He is the Good Shepherd, in whose care every member of the flock is secure.

    2. Hey James, I love to see it when you're in the groove of daily giving encouragement to others on the blog. Go for it.

    3. Brother James, I'm with you, I also need to work on my encouragements on the blog, bless u bro

  32. 1. John 11:16 "Then Thomas (also known as Didymusa ) said to the rest of the disciples, “Let us also go, that we may die with him.”

    Wow. How's that for an M3 motto. "Let us also go, that we may die (and resurrect) with him." I found this verse striking in its boldness, and that was before what I learned from David Guzik's commentary:

    Then Thomas, who is called the Twin, said to his fellow disciples, Let us also go, that we may die with Him.

    a. Thomas, who is called the Twin: Church tradition says that Thomas was called the Twin because he looked like Jesus, putting him at special risk. If any among the disciples of Jesus were potential targets of persecution it would be the one who looked like Jesus.

    i. All Jews in those days had two names - one a Hebrew name by which a man was known in his own circle, the other a Greek name by which he was known in a wider circle. Thomas is the Hebrew and Didymus the Greek for a twin." (Barclay)

    b. Let us also go, that we may die with Him: Thomas was willing to go with Jesus even if it meant dying with Him. He made this commitment without much understanding of a promise of resurrection.

    i. "Thomas utters a cry of loyal despair." (Tasker)

    ii. "He is the pessimist among the disciples, and now take the gloomy, and, as it is proved, the correct view of the result of this return to Judaea, but his affectionate loyalty forbids the thought of allowing Jesus to go alone." (Dods)

    In this post, Dave spoke of the need for there to be loyalty and faithfulness among squad members, fire team brothers, and wingmen. Here, Thomas (a guy who is known to be the pessimist in the group, always seeing the potential negative outcome) boldly models the appropriate response and behavior that is warranted when one of our M3 brothers are in need, even when they walk toward certain danger as Jesus knowingly did by returning to Judea: Let us go with him, pray for him, comfort him, encourage him...that we may suffer with him. We leave no man behind. One for all, and all for one.

    2. I need to return to my regular encouraging stride. For the past couple of weeks, I haven't quite felt up to giving others encouragement when I could barely lift my own spirits, but I can't stay in that funk forever. There is a WAR to be fought, and every able man is needed on the frontline. It is late at the time of this posting, but I will be sure to reach out in encouragement to my brothers before posting tomorrow.

    1. Glad you're fighting your way forward Osiris. It was good to have you with us yesterday. You are such a rich encourager.

    2. Thanks brother, for your inspiring comment on encouraging brothers on the blogging. I too need to reach out to my brothers in encouragement.

    3. Wow, that is strikingly an awesome observation on Thomas brother Osiris. He was supposedly the 'faithful' underdog who would have to touch, see and then believe. And now we see him say “Let us also go, that we may die with him.” PTL


  33. 1.- Jn. 11:44
    The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrap with strips of linen, and a cloth around his face. Jesus said to them, "Take off the grave clothes and let him go."

    This verse got my attention, after Lazarus's resurrection, Jesus commands the people who witness this miracle that they remove the linen wrappings from Lazarus. Jesus doesn't necessarily need them to do this, for He has just demonstrated his power over death to them and could have easily made the linen wrappings vanish. Instead Jesus wants them to feel and be part of this glories occasion by actually having them liberate Lazarus of his restricting linens, thereby freeing him. Jesus does this for a purpose, what better way for him to get the people to go out and tell of this miracle than from witnesses that actually were participants after the miracle.
    Jesus is tactful!

    2.- I need improvement in encouraging my brothers in the blog and in prayer.

  34. 1. John 11: 4. But when Jesus heard about it he said ," the purpose of this illness is not death, but for the glory of God. I, the Son of God , will receive glory from this situation .
    When Jesus said this , he did not mean that Lazarus would not die, but that death would not be the final outcome of his illness. Lazarus' sickness and ' death would serve as a way to give glory to God and glorify the Son of God. God allowed this to happen so that Jesus could give him life again , and so that people would believe Jesus was Son of God .
    2. Will do
    3. Due to the time consuming business I'm in and my brothers recent illness, I have not been putting 100% into M3. I will continue and not give up. As my fellow M3 brothers say,"scripture before sleep".

    1. I am praying for your brother Rick. I know West Nile can be a long, painful recovery.

    2. Amen Louie, Jesus is our life source! Good post brother

  35. 1) John 11:25 "Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die;"

    2) Encouraging others & Acts of kindness/Attacking in prayer.

  36. 1
    I noticed that verse 11:10 contextually shows courage and warning. In context Jesus is showing the total converse in the fear that the disciples were showing and exemplifying.
    Also this verse shows as waring: If he have not light from God; if his providence does no longer protect him.

    I know I will need to work on my testimony or herding out more Mini Movie cards, and sharing God’s word with other believers.

  37. 1. – John 11: 25-26, Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; 26 and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”

    Jesus is saying plainly that he is the Son of God and will be raised on the third day. Jesus is the resurrection and the life. If I believe in him I will live. I will have to die to my sinful way in this world to have life in Jesus and be a good shepherd. Amen.

    2. – The two areas that I need improvement in my spiritual growth are to become more consistent in prayer and reading my bible. I will start by make a concrete plan by setting a time for to read and a time to pray. No matter how I feel. Philippians 4:13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

    1. Oh that is so manly Oscar- "I will start by make a concrete plan by setting a time for to read and a time to pray. No matter how I feel."


  38. 1. Ugh!!!! I just lost 2 paragraphs I wrote :( to the cyber monster, so I will only rewrite #2

    2. My 2 areas to concentrate on are: sharing my testimony and doing more Acts of Kindness. I need to be more sensitive to opportunities that God gives me to go the extra mile. Then, I can follow up with the "Why" I do these things, because of Christ in my life, and share my testimony :). They go hand in hand :)
