Mon.9.28.15...He Will Show You Things To Come...John 14:15-31

What's this billboard got to do with today's topic? You'll soon find out.
(May 21st- Judgment Day? How about Sept.28th- Birthdays! Best of blessings to Luis Ortiz, Rich Petre and Dave Ramirez! Happy birthday brothers!) 

Let me make an important statement that will eventually lead us back to the billboard. All the Bible is written for you, but not all the Bible is written to you. Aren't you glad? For example, the book of Leviticus was written to the Israelites under the OT. We are not under their dietary restrictions, sacrificial rites and clean and unclean ceremonies, etc. Then why bother reading the OT? Paul answers that- "All Scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work" 2 Tim.3:16. Paul also said, "For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope" Rom.15:4. Some of the stories of the OT "were written down as warnings for us" 1 Cor.10:11. So though the OT may not be written to us, it is written for us. Actually, the same could be said for the NT. For example, the letters that Paul wrote were to specific people or congregations, but they have benefit for us. Sadly, there are some people who are ignorant of such basic Bible truths, and they twist the Scriptures to their own harm (2 Pet.3:16). Unfortunately, many people make such a basic mistake within our passage today, John 14:15-31.

Who is this passage being spoken to? It's being spoken by Jesus to his 11 disciples. Just as Jesus was sent by his Father and performed miracles to verify his message, he would soon send out his apostles (apostle: one sent with a message), who would also be given power to perform amazing miracles, confirming the heavenly origin of their new covenant message. They would also be enabled by the Holy Spirit, whom Christ would send, to write the most important book in the world, the NT. The Spirit would remind them of everything Jesus said (John 14:26). So we don't have to worry that the disciples may have gotten brain fog when they they wrote their gospel accounts a few decades after Jesus' return to heaven. More than just reminding the disciples of what Jesus said, the Spirit would also give them more truth needful for the coming church age. Jesus put it this way, “I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come" John 16:12-13. 

Let me repeat that last part- "He will show you things to come." Who is that written to? To his apostles, not to us. For example, his disciple John was shown things to come on the isle of Patmos where he wrote down the book of Revelation. The Spirit showed him things to come. I have yet to meet a Christian who consistently and accurately predicted things to come. (Lucky guesses don't count:) A few years ago Harold Camping predicted Judgment Day would come May 21, 2011 and plastered that warning on 5,000 billboards across the country. When that day passed, he revised the date for five months later. He was not only embarrassed again, but led many astray. He and every one else who has predicted such end times dates have been proven wrong, including the JWs. The Spirit did not show them things to come. But he did show the apostles things to come. Thus, this gives us all the greater confidence in the book of Revelation. It is the fulfillment of Jesus' promise to John and the other apostles that the Spirit would show them (not us) things to come.

You might be surprised how many people, especially in charismatic or Pentecostal churches, claim the verses in John we have just quoted were written to them, not for them. You may meet people who sincerely believe that the Holy Spirit leads them into all truth. Thus, their interpretations are correct and yours are wrong. But even if that promise was written to all believers, not just to the apostles who wrote the NT and founded the church (Eph.2:19-20), then how come the Spirit would only lead them into all truth and not you as well? Hmmm. 

Those promises of Jesus regarding the Spirit bringing everything to mind that Jesus said, and of guiding them into all truth and showing them things to come, were given to the apostles, not to us. But those promises do have an application for us. They are for our assurance that what the apostles wrote was God breathed. With that confidence in what John wrote down as being from God for us, get ready to read John 14:15-31. It's mainly spoken to the 11, but you can glean things that are for us. For example, notice the repeated emphasis on loving and obeying Christ (14:15,21,23,28). This is vital. Jesus is training his team and ours on what is essential to succeed. (In chapter 13, Jesus stressed the crucial importance for his team to love one another. Here in chapter 14, he is stressing the vital importance of loving him by obeying his commands. Tomorrow, you may be surprised to discover what Jesus reveals as the crown of his commands.

As you read, you'll note that Jesus made another promise to his disciples, not to us, that they would soon see him again. But you will also note that Jesus speaks to more than just his disciples. At times he uses words such as "If anyone" or  "Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me..." (John 14:21). Jesus foresaw his apostles writing down his commands for us, and we his people, choosing to lovingly obey them. You'll see a wonderful promise attached at the end of that verse (14:21). 

We have seen that there are things which Jesus spoke to his disciples that we would be wrong to claim as being spoken to us. But there are some things that seem like they at least apply for us as well. For example, Jesus said to his disciples, "I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever" 14:16. Isn't that a word that you and I can claim also? How can we know? Because we see that promise of the Spirit already being given to all believers in Paul's letters to all Christians. The apostolic epistles (letters) clarify the way God now faithfully works. For example, Paul's epistles reveal that all Christians receive God's Holy Spirit at their salvation (Eph.1:13-14; Rom.8:9; 1 Cor.12:13). If you don't already have the promised Holy Spirit, you wouldn't be a Christian. You can't have one without the other. Having the Holy Spirit is a fact to rejoice in, not an experience or feeling to chase.

1.- Now read John 14:15-31. What is one verse from John 14:15-31 that grabs your attention? Just write it out for us and on your MP3.

Last week we looked at SMART vs. Dumb goals. Setting a numerical goal is part of setting SMART goals. Dumb goals aren't really goals at all. They're just wishful thinking or said to pacify someone. "I'll try to get in shape doc." SMART goals are- 
Significant- Is this worthy of pursuing? In M3 we are a pursuing GREAT things in God's eyes.
Measurable- example: How many M3 men will you seek to encourage by next week?
Accountable- Who are you sharing your goal with to motivate you to succeed? 
Reviewed- Will you look at your goals for the week, daily? If not, it will probably get sidelined.
Time bound- When will you achieve this by? Date it. For our purposes, it's next week.

2.a- Last Monday, you set a SMART goal. Since evaluation is the breakfast of champions, let's evaluate. Write down here the SMART goal you wrote down last week and have been reviewing. 

2.b.- Now look at the scoreboard below and write down how you did. What helped you to hit your SMART goal? If you missed it, what hindered you from achieving it. 

There is no shame in not achieving, only in not attempting. Let's learn from life and live it better. That's your champion's mindset. So let me be the first to share this:  I read with my wife every night but Saturday. I came up from my office in the basement and found that she was already in bed asleep. ): I need to set a smarter goal.

Last week I also promised to show you how to set SMARTER goals.
The shortcoming of SMART goals is that there is no Elastic in them or Reward that honors you for your achievement. In M3 we do Reward or honor you each week and month for your achievements. But you can always add your own personal Reward when you hit an important goal in your life. You can also build in a powerful Retribution (consequence) should you blow it off. What would you hate having to do? Example: "If I don't hit my goal, "I will sing to a stranger." Or "I will give you a painful amount of money." 

So let's focus now on the Elastic part of SMARTER goals. Just as elastic can stretch from a Small to a Medium to a Large size, so SMARTER goals have stretch in them. Here's why this is important. No one likes to fail or to miss the goals one sets. Imagine a brother sets this noble goal- "I will encourage 3 brothers on the blog each day and call my two wingmen three times each week, thus scoring a weekly total of 21 in the Encouragement column." Wow, that's excellent! But what if he only scored 14? Ugh! He failed. No he didn't. That may have been a few points more than he had ever scored before. So set Elastic goals- Small, Medium and Large. Example:

Small-  "I will encourage 1 brother on the blog each day (M-F) and call my two wingmen one time this week, thus scoring a weekly total of 7 in the Encouragement column."
Medium "I will encourage 2 brothers on the blog each day and call my two wingmen twice this week, thus scoring a weekly total of 14 in the Encouragement column."
Large "I will encourage 3 brothers on the blog each day and call my two wingmen three times each week, thus scoring a weekly total of 21 in the Encouragement column."

Small goals are easy to hit. You can do it. But don't live there. That's not manly.

Medium goals are a bit of a stretch. Go for it! That's how we grow.
Large goals will make you work hard and pray hard. If you hit your Medium goal before the end of the week, then try to achieve your Large goal. You may not hit the stars, but you'll land on the moon. 

3.- So as you evaluate how you did last week, set a SMARTER goal for this week that includes a Small, Medium and Large size to it. You don't have to write out three separate goals, just add some elastic into one. Example: "I will encourage 1-3 other brothers each day on the blog this week (thus scoring 5-15 points)."

After you write out your measurable goal here, write it on a sticky note, etc and post it where you can regularly review it.  

Important Note: Due to the very subjective nature of how to count an extra mile Act of Kindness, we will no longer be giving points for such. Of course continue to do such :) The A column will only be used for Attacking in prayer. And you can score one point each day that you include your wingmen by name in prayer. Attack! Attack! Attack!

dave garrattUR?1016509792
Squad 135.71
Eddie MoralesUR5196486483
Fire Team 147.5
William DyckmanUR171201130
Phil RaymondU2152710669
Ismael AndradeR257215038
James SchmidtU551528053
Fire Team 220
Gary RemsonR1101197138
Luis OrtizU5322012
Alex DyckmanU10000010
Squad 224.5
Sam VargasUR32022215564
Fire Team 138.5
Oscar NunezU951515549
Lou OjedaU52116428
Fire Team 217.5
Israel FuentesUR161013020
Dave Ramirez000000
Dave DeBoerUR110149125
Tim DearbornU7278125
Squad 337
Robert RomanUR1504735289
Fire Team 136.5
Vince DiazUR154275142
Nic PalhegyiUR1611318139
Mike DunnU21001315038
Rich PetreU60107427
Fire Team 238
Osiris AldayUR17111614755
Mark LauberNew
Ed Lake3256521
Squad 429.83
George RabielaUR1228253126112
Fire Team 124.5
Dave HeidekrugerUR2101511027
Chuy Cervantes54013022
Fire Team 243.33
Rich GuardiolaUR193149237
Mark Estrada77411332
Horacio De La TorreU1271224661
Squad 541.14
Jack RogersUR543349126113
Fire Team 156.33
Roger VinlasacaUR1480204072
Armando HernandezU240174045
Jose BillegasU235168052
Fire Team 229.75
George DohertyUR1102157539
Andre VargasU90315027
Lemmy LukuduUR114369032
Kevin Long40512021
Squad 6
Mike BerryUR17276325

Kudos once again to Squad 5 and their fire team 1 for leading the pack.  There is some great scoring (aka ministry) going on in whole lot of other teams as well. Excelente! 


  1. 1. John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid."
    2a. My goal last week was to talk to at least one person about M3 during Tuesday's men's group.
    2b. I did talk to one person about M3 and gave them an M3 card.
    3. Will talk to 1-3 men about M3 during Tuesday's men's group.

    1. Congratulations on getting your goal and on sharing M3 with guys from your group.

    2. Excellent Roger! Being the first to post, you lead the way in setting a fine example for others to follow.

    3. Brother Roger, I selected the same verse for my MP3. One of my many favorites, God bless you :-)

    4. Roger I like these verse, good choice, true, there is peace of heart in JESUS!

    5. Great job on meeting those goals.

    6. Great job brother, stay encouraged you'll reach your next goal as well.

    7. Great way to start the day and the group.

    8. Good stretch Roger. You will do it and more- we believe in you

  2. 23 Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him.

    2a. My goal is to post daily - to become unstoppable by the end of October.

    2b. I did miss Monday but have posted daily since. Friday was a crowded day for me, but made sure I didn't go to bed without posting something.

    3. I will continue posting daily, praying for my wingmen, and will encourage 1-3 brothers on the blog, by text or calls.

    1. Fantastic Kevin!
      I do believe you will remain Unstoppable!
      And I'm glad you are getting active in praying for your wingmen and encouraging others as you already did this morning.
      Hope you got the cards in the mail via Lemmy.

    2. Brother Kevin, I have no doubt you'll meet and exceed your goals. God bless you :-)

    3. I pray that you stay on mission for the Lord. I believe you will meet your goals this week. God bless.

    4. Amen brother, I'll pray that you become unstoppable.

    5. Great goal and we are proud of the steps you are taking and we have confidence in you bro.

  3. 1.29I have told you now before it happens, so that when it does happen you will believe.

    So I was reading Colossians this morning and what stuck out to me was Col. 1:25-6. Paul says that he has been commissioned as a servant of Christ to reveal the fullness of the truth that has been hidden for ages to the saints. [I'm paraphrasing]. But I found it interesting because in John 14:7 the disciples are asking Jesus who's your father, show us...and Jesus says in verse 7, if you truly knew me you would know my father. So I questioned wait did the disciples not know Jesus, how so, they were suppose to be his closest people...but what it really meant was that the fullness of the knowledge of why Christ came was not revealed to them yet. Jesus had not gone to the cross and resurrected yet. But Paul says the knowledge of Christ has been revealed and he's been sent to make it known. Similarly, again Jesus tells his disciples to hold on to what He's saying because it will all make sense and be revealed in the days to come (days leading up to the death and resurrection of Jesus.)

    2. I was able to achieve my goal of 20 minutes of uninterrupted prayer, but I don't think I prayed for 20 unique individuals by name. It was more like 12.

    3. My new goal for the week is the have 20-30 minutes of uninterrupted prayer time a day and pray for 2-3 unique individuals by name, adding 7 points to my A column.

    1. Brother Eddie, great digging, thanks for sharing! Praying for your dad and family. God bless :-)

    2. Great goal. Way to seek to enrich others through the power of prayer. God bless.

    3. Amen brother, great verse. Thank you for the knowledge.

    4. You attempted that's what matters. Don't give up! Keep striving to seek him.

    5. great insight bro. The knowledge of Christ has been revealed to you.

    6. Eddie. You are a great example for all. Praying for you and your family

    7. Eddie you are such a great prayer warrior and a great example to all of us.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. 1. "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27

      2a. My goal is to continue to be faithful in all categories/areas to the Lord as opportunities arise and post my scores accordingly.
      2b. Q. What helped? A. The Lord, who gives me strength. Q. What hindered? Time
      3. SMARTER goal= I will intentionally share my faith with at least one person this week.

    2. Thanks for sharing brother. Great goal.

    3. Wonderful Scripture and goals achieved and Q&A. God bless brother Robert.

    4. Robert. God Bless you brother and thx for your wisdom shared from the Holy Spirit

    5. Robert thank you for your encouragements and the love that radiates from you. Bless you brother

    6. Way to be proactive about your discipleship and pushing yourself to share your faith with others. I will pray that you achieve your goal brother and for all those you share your faith way, that through you, they may come to the Lord.

  5. John 14:21 (NIV) Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.”

    I pray that we show our love for God through our obedience to Him.

    2. My goal was to encourage two squad members for the week.
    2b. I did the work week. Needed to be more specific. I certainly score more points for the week :)

    3. My new goal for the work week is to encourage 2-3 in my squad and read the bible with my wife & kids 3-5 days.

    1. Brother Sam, you're a man after God's own heart :-)

    2. Wow. GO Sam that's really kicking it up! God bless you brother! May your family see the goodness of God.

    3. "Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me" John 14:21, We are called to be obedient to Gods command, not for necessity of salvation, but to show our LOVE for Christ. Thanks brother Sam.

    4. Those are fantastic goals Sam. More power to you.

    5. Good goals Sam, your a strong bond and good example for us all, thank you


  6. 1.- Jn. Jn. 14:16
    "And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever -"

    Guzik's commentary
    i. Jesus understood that His disciples (both those with Him on that evening and those across the centuries) would need Gods presence and power to keep His commandments. God the Son promised to pray to God the Father and ask for the giving of God the Holy Spirit to the believer to accomplish this.

    ii. This statement is one wonderful example of the Trinitarian idea of God woven into the fabric of the New Testament. Jesus didnt intend to give a complicated lecture on the Trinity; He simply spoke of how the Persons of the Trinity interact and work for the good of Gods people and the furtherance of His plan.

    2.a- To encourage my wingmen daily via posting and texting

    2.b- Completed with the exception of not texting to my wingmen first Monday, too late

    3.- I will pray daily for my wingmen for 10 pts. for this week

    1. Great jopb meeting your goal Armando.

    2. Brother Armando, you're always an encouragement to me whenever I see you. God bless :-)

    3. That was a wonderful commentary in the gospel of John 14:16, by Guzik's. Thanks Armando.

    4. Arnondo. Good scripture and post bro.
      Keep your dedication being unstoppable

  7. 1.John 14:15 NIV
    “If you love me, keep my commands.
    - this is a great test to Separate the followers from the fakers.
    2a. "To share my faith with five different people by Sunday."
    2b. I did 1 out of five
    3. My smarter goal is to share my faith with 3-5 people by Sunday. If I don't reach it by Sunday I will go out to Walmart Sunday night and share my faith with strangers .

    1. Brother Dave D, aim high brother, with the Lord's help you'll more than achieve! God bless :-)

    2. That is a bold move brother. Great goal.

    3. That is one outstanding chapter and verse in Johns writings. "IF, You love me" Its a conditional mingled with grace, our love for God is evident in our obedience to his commandments, not suggestions. thanks brother Dave.

    4. Good idea Dave! Great goals, you can do it!

    5. Good insight Dave. Bold step too!

  8. 1."the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you."
    John 14:17 What a wonderful verse, to know the truth. I believe here that we can walk in the spirit.

    2. My goal was to talk to 2 people about M3.

    3. My goal this week is to be more sensitive to the Holy Spirit when talking to others.

    1. Brother George, good goal :-) "do not worry beforehand about what to say. Just say whatever is given you at the time, for it is not you speaking, but the Holy Spirit." Mark 13:11b

    2. Yes George it is amazing that the Holy Spirit dwells in U.S. And is with us. That brings me much comfort as well!

    3. Sorry typo dwells in us not United States. 😁

    4. Great goals George. Continue unstoppable

    5. Amen George, the Holy Spirit will not fail us

  9. 1. “He who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will disclose Myself to him."”
    ‭‭John‬ ‭14:21‬ ‭NASB‬‬

    This verse demonstrated the intimacy that Christ wants to have with us. It's awesome that the God of the universe wants to disclose himself to me. It's very cool!

    2. My goal was to encourage to brothers on the blog daily which I accomplished. Used a sticky note and added it to my daily routine.

    3. This week I'm going to kick it up a notch and do three encouragements on the blog.

    1. Way to achieve your goal nic! Glad your pushing your goal to the next level. You've got this.

    2. great strategy bro, sticky notes are a great way for reminders.

    3. Brother Nic, kicking it into high gear ;-)

  10. 1. John 14:21 Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them

    2a. My goal was to speak to more brothers to recruit.

    2b. I talked to two more brothers and I am in the process of recruiting them.

    3. I will make it my goal to recruit at lease one of the brothers I talked with about M3

    1. Good stuff Jose! Way to reach out to others. Good goal to shoot for. You got this!

    2. Brother Jose, keep up the good work :-)

    3. Good fishing Jose, praying you reel the them in.

  11. 1. - John 14: 27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

    2. A - God willing, to continue to read my bible 7 days this week and pray with my wife after diner and invite a friend to attend Sunday service.

    2. B. – I achieved my smart goal, I did read my bible all week and pray with my wife. I did invite my friend to Sunday service but he had plans.

    3. - God willing I will talk to 2 friends about M3 through texts and emails by Friday.

    1. Way to go Oscar! Glad you achieved your goal brother. Keep up the good work bro.

    2. Brother Oscar, congratulations on achieving your goals. God bless :-)

    3. Oscar great job in achieving your goals

    4. You did fantastic, Oscar. Keep up the high scoring.

  12. 1. “Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.” ‭‭John‬ ‭14:21‬ ‭ESV‬‬

    2. A. I will pray for my m3 brothers everyday and encourage 3 brothers on the blog everyday.

    2. B. I did good until the weekend. I didn't achieve my goal because I didn't set a time during the weekend to achieve my goal. Will try harder and plan time out during the weekend to achieve my goal.

    3. I will encourage 3 brothers each day and pray for my squad members everyday even on weekends. Will also get in contact with at least one of my squad members this week.

    1. don't get discouraged, your doing great bro. Continually growing.

    2. Brother James, "plan time out during the weekend to achieve my goal." good job :-)

  13. 1- John 14:30-31
    “I will not say much more to you, for the prince of this world is coming. He has no hold over me, but he comes so that the world may learn that I love the Father and do exactly what my Father has commanded me. “Come now; let us leave.”
    This stuck out to me. That no matter what the plans of the enemy may be God is ultimately in control. That when the enemy thinks his plan is going how he planned that God has other plans to counteract that and bring about his perfect will.

    2- my goal was to attack in prayer and do my own reading outside of the book of John. I think I only prayed for my brothers by name 2 or 3 times and I read only one night.

    3- Samarter Goal.
    I will pray for my squat by name each night. I will text 2 or 3 brothers each day.

    1. Brother Luis, great goals! I'm confident you'll accomplish them :-)

    2. Those are good doable goals Luis, I like the one about reading out our M3 studies, I'm working on that myself :)

    3. Happy birthday, Luis! Don't give up. Your a winner!

    4. Happy Birthday, Luis! I hope you enjoyed the day. God bless!

  14. 1. “But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.”
    ‭‭John‬ ‭14:26‬ ‭

  15. 2. a. My goal was to read a minimum of 1 chapter/ day plus pray with my wife daily
    2.b. I read at least a chapter/ day but only prayed with my wife 3 times and prayed for her daily. She has been in KC for several weeks so it has been difficult to arrange the times because she's busy with our grand baby.
    3. Small- pray with her 3/ wk and read 1 chapter / day
    Medium- pray 4/wk. and read 1 chapter/ day
    Big- pray 5/ wk and read 2 chapters / day

    1. Brother Jack, thanks for your dedication and faithfulness :-)

    2. I have 4 grand boys and my daughter is expecting twins !!!

    3. Thanks Jack for encouragements and your dedication

    4. I have 4 grand boys and my daughter is expecting twins !!!

  16. 1. John 14:26 But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.

    I just love that I'm not alone but i have the Holy Spirit to help me. He teaches me to pray, gives me understanding of the bible and is always their for me. What better mentor then that. I feel his work in me and at times it's scary but I'm faithful and let him take control of my life and it had been doing wonders in my life as well as my family. Praise be to God!

    2A. My goal was to communicate and contact my wingman more often. At least twice a week.

    2B. I did meet my goal. I was able to text with them back and forth.

    3. I'm satisfied with my goal and will continue to accomplish what i have set out to do, and maybe just add a little more.

    1. Brother Horacio, "I just love that I'm not alone but i have the Holy Spirit to help me." Amen :-). You may enjoy knowing that other names for the Holy Spirit are: Helper, Counselor, Comforter.

    2. Amen brother Horacio, the Father has fortified us in His Spirit, we are not alone

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. 1)John 14:16 “And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, to be with you forever.” The Lord sends His Spirit to live in us and He is known as Helper! What an amazing reality! God Almighty lives inside of us and He is there to help us. We are called to serve and obey Him but He sends part of Himself into us to make it possible. And He will be with us forever! No matter what happens, regardless of our age or circumstances, the Holy Spirit will be with God’s people.
    2a)I had the goal of having 2 recruiting conversations last week.
    2b)I did talk to 2 guys about joining M3, although only 1 is reflected on the scoreboard because the 2nd one happened on Saturday and will be recorded today. They were brief conversations. I pointed them to the website on the business card.
    3)SMARTER GOALS for week of 9/27-10/3. Since this is a week dedicated to prayer and fasting I have a goal for “Attack in Prayer”. I want to pray for an extended time with my wife several times this week and pray for family members by name. We will especially pray for our 3 children to love, fear, and serve God.
    Small—pray 4 days with wife
    Medium-pray 6 days with wife
    Large-pray 7 days with wife

    1. Those are excellent goals Pastor Mike!

    2. Very encouraging comment, Pastor Mike. Thank you.

  19. 1) “Whoever has my commandments and keeps them loves me. Whoever loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love them and reveal myself to them."”
    ‭‭John‬ ‭14:21‬ ‭CEB‬‬

    2a) my goal was to recruit more brothers
    2b) I did not reach my goal due to my schedule

    3) my smarter goal is to encourage brothers more often

  20. 1-John 14:24New Living Translation (NLT)

    24 Anyone who doesn’t love me will not obey me. And remember, my words are not my own. What I am telling you is from the Father who sent me.

    Jesus speaking the truth. Strong words.

    2- To attack in prayer daily.
    B- What helped me was getting on the blog. Also asking people if they need pray for something. The most important thing was me wanting to have a better prayer life. I feel better every time I pray.

    3- Small- pray everyday
    Medium- Pray everyday + 1 Day with my kids
    Large- Pray everyday + 5 Days with my wife only

    Large sounds easy but with our schedules it really a stretch.

    1. Those are great goals, brother. Not only are you building up your personal relationship with God through prayer, but you are also leading you family to him through prayer, Way to be a manly man and head of household.

  21. 1) John 14:30-31 “I will not say much more to you, for the prince of this world is coming. He has no hold over me, but he comes so that the world may learn that I love the Father and do exactly what my Father has commanded me. “Come now; let us leave.”

    2a) I had set my SMART goal of giving out 3-Cards (M3 or Mini-Movies).

    2b) I unfortunately didn't achieve that goal, not being too proactive in identifying opportunities to give one out. The M3 ones have been particularly hard for me.

    3) For my SMARTER goal:

    Small - Encourage each of my Squadmates twice this week (Total of 12 pts)
    Medium - Encourage 2 M3 Brothers that are not on my Squad + Small Goal (Additional points 2)
    Large - Give out Two cards or share gospel + Small/Medium goals (2-4 additional points)

    1. Your goals have already encouraged me William. Stay strong in the Lord, brother.

  22. 1. John‬ ‭14:21 “He who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will disclose Myself to him."”
    Every day when I say, "I love you!" To my children they reply, "I love you more!" I always say, "Not possible!" For many reasons, including the following; I am bigger therefor I have a greater capacity to love, they are MY children that I helped create, they are frequently disobedient.

    The last part is what I sometimes get caught up on. It's true, they are not 'loving me more' when they disobey. It is the same with me and my actions showing my love, or lack of love for God.

    2. a: My SMART goal for last week was to encourage at least one brother every day. I did that each day of the blog week.

    2. b: I actually averaged 1.85 encouragements per day if spread over 7 days.

    3. SMARTER Goal:

    Small: To encourage brothers on the weekends, not just the blog days.
    Medium: To say mostly positive things to my children. I typically correct them almost constantly.
    Large: I also need to resume praying with my wife. I'd like to comment to praying at least (sorry guys, starting small here) 4 days each week. For some reason this has always been a huge struggle with me.

    1. Mike, it's good to see that you have a teachable heart, from the things you observe and apply to your own relationship with God. Those are also great goals. They are surely worth your effort and will have a powerful impact on those you love and care for. May the Lord give you wisdom and strength to accomplish them this week.

    2. Starting small and increasing the goal as you go is good.

  23. 1-He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.”
    John 14:21
    Christ has promised us sufficient power to reach this high standard. He says, “Whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it. If ye love me, keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive” (John 14:13-17)

    2 - My smart goal was to post and tabulate on the score board everyday except last Friday.

    3- I need to pray at least three times a day for my fire team and M3, & my family.

    1. Love the verses of John14:13-17. "Ask anything in the name of Jesus"

  24. Happy Birthday Luis, Rich and Dave!

    1 – John 14: 27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

    2a – By God's power, I will pray with my wife every day this week and talk to 1 person about joining M3
    2b – I only prayed with my wife 4 nights last week. I talked to one person about M3 and gave him a card, I’ll follow up with him when I see him next week.

    3 – By God's power, I will pray with my wife 4 -7 days this week and talk to 1-2 people about joining M3 this week.

    1. Wonderful smart goals George. Thanks for being such a big encourager to so many men on M3.

  25. 1) John 14:28 Your heard me say, I am going away and I am coming back to you. If you loved me, you would be glad that I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I.

    It was love that tore the relationship and caused the separation between God the Father and the Son. There may have been no better place that Jesus could have wanted to be other then in the very presence of His Father face to face. But love drove distance between the Father and the Son as the Son submissively descended down into the world and supernaturally joined with the nature of mankind. Jesus revealed and shared that divine love that He had with the Father, and that the Father had with Him and that both have for us. Hebrews 12:2 tells of Jesus “...who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of God.“ Jesus was anticipating exceedingly great joy upon His return to His Father but only after He had made a way that men could be reborn (recreated) by God the Father with a capacity to know and share in God's divine love from within themselves through God's Holy Spirit. Now that Jesus has completed His mission, we know and love Jesus as His first disciples did and are rejoice for His return to His Father where we will one day Him.

    2a) My smart goal was to make a phone call and connect with each member of the Special Forces Team last week.
    2b) I did not accomplish this goal. As my week day evenings quickly filled up with other matters that needed my attention, and knowing my Saturday was already completely booked, I just hoped I could find time on Sunday. There was a little bit of time to make some calls, but no willing energy to do so.

    New smart goal – get another email out to the Special Forces team by Wednesday. The try to call three team members by next Sunday. Call one on Thursday, one on Friday and one on Saturday. Use Sunday as a backup day to make a call or calls.

    1. David, your comment (#1), is very good! I have never heard it placed that way. I'm going to read it to my brother and anyone else who lends an ear. Thank you.

    2. Brother Dave H, "but no willing energy to do so." God knows we can't operate non-stop and has given us permission to rest, regroup and re-energize. The world and everyone in it can tug and pull at your every waking moment. God sees all you do for Him, whether or not anyone recognizes your hard work, He does. Thank you, my hardworking and faithful brother in Christ.

  26. 1. John 14:23. Jesus replied," Because I will only reveal myself to those who love me and obey me. The Father will love them too , and we will come to them and live with them ."
    when a person loves Jesus and accepts him as Lord and Savior, he will want to obey his teachings. The Father will also shower his love on that person. The Father and the Son will always be near those with obedient and loving hearts.
    2a. Past SMART GOAL: to pass out 3 mini movie cards and talk to one person about M3.
    2b. Passed out 2 cards and spoke with one person about M3. Always on a tight schedule. I need to start on blog much earlier in day , and not rush late at night.
    3. Next goal: encourage 2-3 brothers on blog. Attack in prayer once a day

    1. Brother Lou, I'm encouraged by your commitment to the Lord and being faithful to your word. God bless you brother :-)

  27. The verse that stuck out to me was - 15 “If you love me, keep my commands. 16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— 17 the Spirit of truth.

    There's like, contingencies... if you do this, I will do that.

    If we love Jesus, then we should keep His commands. When we keep His commands, Jesus would ask God to give us another advocate that will not only help us but also be with us forever! That's pretty neat.

    As for goal setting, I need to consider making some.

    In no particular order (which eventually will be), the following will be accomplished as goals:

    - Reading
    - Practicing God's Presence
    - Worship
    - Putting more effort in recording my achievements on the spreadsheet.

    1. Happy birthday Dave!
      I'll call you to help you turn these into SMARTER goals.

    2. Those are some great verses and also some great goals u have there! God bless u brother

    3. Brother Dave R, Happy belated birthday!! Your goals are M.A.N.L.Y. :-)

    4. Thanks Guys!
      I appreciate you all =)

  28.  1. the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.

    2a. My smart goal was to pray with my wife everyday ant to pass out a greatest mini movie card everyday.

    2b. I completed both my goals ! ;)

    3. My new goal is to encourage a minimum of 5 men each day

    1. Brother Philip, all great goals! You're the Lord's encouraging vessel :-)

  29. John 14:26 - "But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you."

    While specifically applying to the disciples, this can also be generally applied to us as His followers. The Holy Spirit will bring to our remembrance the things Jesus has said to us. What things? The things in the Bible. However, please note that by definition, you can not remember what you don't know. The Holy Spirit can not bring to our remembrance His Word, if we have not read His word and put it in our head and heart to begin with. This is a reminder for me to be more faithful in Bible memory.

    2a. SMART Goal: Share gospel clearly by 9/28 with 1 person
    2b. I met with a retired Jewish coworker of mine and we talked about the Messiah for about an hour.

    3. Telling others of transformation is still difficult for me. Building on last weeks goal, I would like to either pass out a mini movie card or share the gospel in some way with at least two people this week.

    1. Brother Tim, thank you for the insights you shared! "please note that by definition, you can not remember what you don't know."

  30. 1. John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you;my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your heart be troubled and do not be afraid."

    2. Goal was to be unstoppable this morning month.
    2b. Did it.
    3. My new goal is to call all of the men in my fire team this week and converse.

    1. Happy Birthday, Richard!

      By the way, good verse choice!

    2. Brother Rich, congrats on accomplishing your goal. I'm looking forward to your call :-)

  31. 1) John 14:26 "But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you."

    2a) SMART Goal 9/22/15: “I will go on 5 prayer walks this week, and I will read at least two chapters of the Bible a day (hopefully more!).”
    2b) I could have done better than I did.

    3) I would like to do at least 2 Attacking in prayer or Acts of kindness a day.

    1. Brother Alex, all commendable and doable :-). I'm confident you'll achieve your goals! Keep up the great work my young and valiant brother in Christ.

  32. ““If you love me, you will keep my commandments.”
    The very start is what has my attention. But so much more does it mean than keepin commandments or even keeping the word close to one heart which each are not devalued. But to abide in Christ always into love Christ.

    Last week my smart goal was to commit to putting my points on the scoreboard and to commit to that by going straight there after blogging

    The scoreboard shows that and there are fewer missing entries

    Small goal continue the same practice
    Medium goal improve by reaching to my two wingmen over the phone once per week
    Large goal to tell others of transformation by sharing about the blog or handing out cards twice per week

    1. Brother Gary, perseverance is key! Keep up the good work son ;-)

  33. 1. John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."

    2. "By God's power I will send an M3 and a GreatestMiniMovies card (in the form of a digital scan) to my friend, Noe, by this Friday, that he might consider joining us and increasing himself in the word of God." I have reached out to my friend, but must now follow through and follow up with him.

    3. Small goal: Encourage my fireteam brothers daily on the blog.
    Medium goal: Reach out to my brothers outside the blog, via email or text.
    Large goal: Respond to emails and text messages from my fireteam brothers more promptly and frequently.

    1. Brother Osiris, I'm proud of you. Despite the setbacks, obstacles and seasons of discouragement you continue to press into the Lord. Praying for you brother, God bless :-)

  34. 1. John 14:21 Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.

    2. I wrote that I would pass out 3 cards to people. I did but I did it This week and not last week.

    3. I didnt do my goal last week but I did this week. I need to get right on my goals early and not at the last minute. I neeed to encourage my brothers more. I will do that this week.

  35. 1 22 Then Judas (not Judas Iscariot) said, “But, Lord, why do you intend to show yourself to us and not to the world?”

    23 Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. 24 Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me.

    Jesus knew that his words and teachings would be written down and that others who have not seen him would be able to believe in him and follow him.

    2 I didnt really meet my goal. It seems like a simple goal, but not easy with a busy schedule and 2 kids.

    3 My goal was to blog each day last week. I didnt do it each day, I did okay until Wednesday and then caught up for Thursday and Friday over the weekend.
